Back To School Video Ad Template

Duration: 10s
Credits: 1
Want to generate interactions with your social media audience? Check out this great Back To School video ad. Customize this video template with your contact info and logo.
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Marketers, Here’s 3 Months’ Worth of Content Ideas for the Beginning of 2023

Bret Sears
Jan 2, 2023
5 min read
As a marketer, you have likely set professional goals for yourself this year, whether in the form of a resolution or just quarter-to-quarter expectations of yourself. One of the best ways to defeat the feeling of burnout and to avoid giving up on your goals is by planning ahead. Here are some great

Where Should You Post Your Marketing Videos?

Bret Sears
Jun 30, 2023
5 min read
One key to a great video marketing campaign is deciding where to post your video content. This guide covers all the bases of where to post your marketing videos to maximize their exposure.

5 tips for using captions in video ads

Webster West
Oct 19, 2022
15 min read
Most video ads on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram are watched with sound off by default. This lack of an audio pathway can make messaging very challenging. That’s why captions are so incredibly important when creating video ads for social media. Designers must assume that the entire

3 types of Instagram ads and the types of content you should use today!

Shelby Ingle
Oct 23, 2020
4 min read
Instagram is a marketing channel that’s taken the world by storm. Whether you’re 15 or 48, you're most likely on Instagram.It’s no surprise that every business regardless of vertical is jumping on the Instagram train to find their audience. An Instagram ad is a post that a business pays to pro