Travel Video Ad Template

Duration: 13s
Credits: 1
Want to enhance engagement with your customers and followers? Check out this great video ad. Customize this video template to meet your needs.
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It’s time to consider video content in your marketing plan

Bret Sears
Apr 13, 2022
5 min read
When it comes to marketing your business, you know just how it is to set yourself apart from your competition and one great way to do that is with video marketing. Not only is it a great way for your customers to connect with your business, but it’s a great way to showcase who you are and what you

Add opacity and movement to images within the Movidmo editor

Webster West
Aug 12, 2021
2 min read
At Movidmo, we work hard to ensure our video editing tool gives you all the effects you need to command attention for your brand. Our most recent updates were designed to ensure just that. Now in Movidmo you can change the opacity and add Ken Burns Effect to all of your images to make your video rea

Bringing video to the content layer

Webster West
Oct 9, 2022
5 min read
Movidmo now allows you to do all sorts of interesting things with video including cropping to interesting shapes and applying effects. Take a tour of the new video features with the Starcation video ad template. Video in the content layer is a huge step forward as it allows video to be used in a num

Creating a video tour of an image

Webster West
Dec 7, 2022
10 min read
One of the most awesome things about the Movidmo video editor is its ability to turn static images into video content. Movidmo allows images to be displayed in moving form meaning that the portion of the image that is displayed can change over time. The viewport for an image can zoom in or out aroun